LIGHT SMOOTH Sabian CRESCENT Hammertone Hihats 14” 851 1173 g MINT Jeff Hamilton
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- No need to shell out nearly $700 for a pair of beautiful Hammertone Crescent Hats! And that is even if you can find them! Along with the Artisans, these are some of Sabian’s most expensive hihats! And they are definitely worth it! They’re warm, very musical and remarkably refined! Still with a pinch of organic complexity though.
- But that doesn’t mean you need to spend $700 for a stock photo guess!
- Remarkably I actually HAVE these hard-to-find 14” Hammertone Hats right here and in my hands. They sound amazing and they’re IMMACULATE too! They look like they were forged yesterday.
Andy you can HEAR them too!! They’ve been played for the video and that’s about it.
Sabian describes these hard to find gems as:
“ Played open, the Hammertone Hats provide musical sizzle with more wash than typical hats, due to the thin top and medium bottom pairing. A very versatile set of hats, perfect for a jazz or big band set-up.”
- And that indeed is accurate!
- This pair of Hammertone Crescents has a glorious, light, very warm, airy tone that has a terrific warm stick attack when closed for great articulation. Open them open for a light, slightly complex wash that is right at home in the jazz traditional.
At 851 and 1173 grams they offer a strong CHICK that’s perfect for 2 & 4 with big band, jazz or even pop music and recording. They play like thinner New Beats that are actually Hand Hammered and refined!
- Golden. Glowing. Light. Slightly complex but still articulate. Very classy sounding and smooth!
- Perfect for low to medium loud settings.
- Very hard to actually find without spending $670 and a “not in stock” wait and guess!
- This pair is in perfect shape and you can hear them so you can buy with confidence. Some of Sabian’s finest work right here!